2010 Tourists Survey in Bermuda

August 27, 2010 
There are some disturbing facts that have come out of the recent tourist survey conducted by Bermuda Department of Tourism. 498 air travelers have been interviewed between June and August this year. Air travelers generally avail Bermuda's hospitality services like hotels restaurants etc. Out of them, only 8% said that their expectations were exceeded compared to 41% in 2009. 
This is a sharp decline compared to the last year. However, the number of visitors who said that the perceived value in Bermuda met with their expectation was 76%, which is considerably higher than the 2009 figure which was 55%. But at the same time, the dissatisfied number where the expectations were not met, rose to 15% compared to only 2% in 2009. 
So, over all if you look at the statistics, the trend is a little disturbing. Due to current world economic challenges, the Bermuda hospitality industry has been striving hard to exceed expectations of the tourists, and such trend now comes as a shock to the tourism department. 
But there may be one caveat. The number of visitors surveyed this year was quite low compared to the number surveyed in 2009. This would have somewhat skewed the results. 
The survey also showed that the air travelers in general spent less number of nights in Bermuda this year compared to last year. On the other hand, they spent more money per night in 2010 relative to 2009. The visitors spent most of their money on food and lodging in 2010. 
St. George has been voted as the second most popular location after dockyard. Out of all the people surveyed, 73% had come on vacation to Bermuda while the rest were either on business or had come to meet with their families. 
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