Bus travel from
Southampton to Hamilton Bermuda

Hi, When we stay in Bermuda, we generally eat supper in Hamilton. How long is the bus ride from the Fairmont Southampton into Hamilton, and about how long does it take? Do we need to change buses at all? 
Thanks very much for your help. 
Pete Bush (February 2011) 
It takes about 30 minutes from Fairmont Southampton to Hamilton City by bus (route #7 or 8). You don't need to change, they go direct all the way up to Hamilton. 
Fairmont Southampton has a shuttle that reaches you to the bus top, which is a short walk anyway. At the bus stop, look for the color of the pole though. The pink pole is for buses going to Hamilton. A blue pole is for buses going out of Hamilton to other places. Regards, 
Raj (bermuda-attractions.com) February 2011 
Hi Raj, 
Thanks very much. 
If we decide to walk from the Fairmont Southampton to the bus stop, how long does that take? 
Pete (February 2011) 
The bus stop is a 5 minute walk from the hotel and that too downhill. While returning, if you don't want to walk uphill, just wait near the bust stop at the entrance to the lane that goes towards the hotel. The shuttle keeps coming every 5 minutes or so. 
Raj (bermuda-attractions.com) February 2011